Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Proud to be One Young World Ambassador

This September I’ve joined a global community like no other!
With the #OYW2022 I’m becoming part of the join the One Young World Ambassadors Community comprising young leaders, corporate partners and supporters from every single country, spanning every industry.
We are activists, humanitarians, world-leaders, business-leaders, thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians and innovators. And we’re here to make an impact!
With the sad passing of the Queen, we didn’t have the opportunity to meet everyone and even say goodbye. But the appointment is made for #OYW2023.