Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Premiere screening of “IGNORANCE” and dialogue with UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Angélique Kidjo

Last August 5th, an inspiring event unfolded at Sèmè One, Sèmè City, that left a lasting impact. The premiere screening of “IGNORANCE” and the dialogue with UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Angélique Kidjo ignited meaningful discussions and insights.
In the heart of the Zou department, adolescents took charge of their sexual and reproductive health through the UPSHIFT approach, an initiative by UNICEF and the Benin Ministry of Health. Over 100 young minds united to create innovative solutions, leading to the birth of the captivating 10-episode series, “IGNORANCE.” This series, entirely crafted by adolescents, sheds light on the challenges faced by youth, shedding societal taboos and misinformation.
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Angélique Kidjo graced the event with her wisdom and engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue. Her insights resonated deeply with the adolescents who poured their hearts into the series. The event celebrated not only their creative endeavor but also their determination to be change-makers in their community.
We extend our gratitude to all participants, U-Reporters, youth associations, activists, partners, and everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success. Let’s continue to amplify the voices of young changemakers and work towards a future where adolescent health and empowerment are paramount.
Stay tuned for more updates and join us in nurturing a brighter future for adolescent and youth!
#IGNORANCE #YouthEmpowerment #UNICEF #AngéliqueKidjo #Changemakers #AdolescentHealth #Empowerment #socialchange #socialinnovation

📸 Event Memories: Yanick Folly