Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Article de blog

U-Report and Youth Engagement in Benin: Giving Voice to Youth to Build a Better Future

7 mars 2023 Youth
U-Report and Youth Engagement in Benin: Giving Voice to Youth to Build a Better Future

Youth engagement in Africa is a crucial issue for the continent’s development. African youth make up a significant portion of the population and have enormous potential to contribute to economic growth, social development, and political transformation in their countries.

Benin, a small West African country, is an example of how youth can play an active role in society. The country has a young population, with over 60% of the population under 25 years old. Unfortunately, many of these youth face challenges such as unemployment, poverty, and limited access to education and health.

However, despite these challenges, Benin’s youth are highly engaged in their communities and have shown a willingness to take charge of their own future. One initiative that has contributed to this engagement is U-Report, a social platform by UNICEF that allows youth to voice their opinions on issues that concern them.

U-Report is an SMS-based platform that allows youth to give their views on important social, economic, and political issues. The results are then communicated to policymakers and civil society organizations to guide policies and programs.

In Benin, U-Report has been a great success, with over 100,000 youth registered on the platform. Youth use U-Report to discuss issues such as education, health, employment, political participation, and child protection. Survey results show that Benin’s youth are very concerned about these issues and have ideas on how to address them.

For example, in a U-Report survey on education, youth expressed concern about the quality of education in their country. They proposed solutions such as teacher training, improving school infrastructure, and access to quality and inclusive educational resources.

Thanks to U-Report, youth have a voice and can influence policies and programs that directly affect them. The platform also helps to strengthen civic participation and social responsibility of youth by involving them in advocacy and awareness-raising activities.

In conclusion, youth engagement is essential for the sustainable development of Africa and Benin in particular. Initiatives like U-Report allow youth to express themselves, make decisions, and influence policies and programs. Benin’s youth are important agents of change, and their voices must be heard to build a better future for all.
