Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

Elvis Adjahoungba

Juriste & Chercheur en Droit International

Défenseur primé des ODD

Gestionnaire de Projets de Développement

Spécialiste en Communication et Plaidoyer

UNESCO Youth As Researchers

Launched in 2020, the Youth As Researchers initiative has engaged around 270 young researchers, from more than 70 countries, and nearly 10,000 young people in support of research teams. For 16 months, 34 youth-led research teams studied the impact of COVID-19 on young people, looking at the following topics: well-being, rights, learning, youth-led action, and the role of technology. The results were presented, at a preliminary stage, at the YAR knowledge sharing meeting.
The High-Level Policy Conference of UNESCO’s “Youth as Researchers” initiative provided an inclusive space to foster dialogue between young researchers and policy makers. Drawing on the recommendations made during the Knowledge Sharing Meeting, the High Level Political Conference brought together policy makers and young people to define commitments to these recommendations, which respond to how COVID-19 has affected young people all over the world. The experiences, perceptions, creativity and analyzes of young people were put forward to develop ambitious and innovative solutions that leave no one behind.
The conference also launched a multi-stakeholder global coalition to address the impact of the pandemic on young people and to secure tangible commitments for a global grant program to sustainably support research and youth-led action for a positive social impact.
Photo Copyright @ UNESCO/Gentile Fabrice